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About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

ヒトミ観光バス たび丸ツアー南紀代理店では、冬の日帰りバスツアーを募集致します。


  • 新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大等によりキャンペーン期間・内容等が変更となる場合があります。

  • キャンペーンの予算に達した場合割引の適用とならない場合があります。

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

ヒトミ観光バス たび丸ツアー南紀代理店では、秋の高野山のツアーを始め和歌山県内のツアーや京都・奈良・兵庫への日帰りバスツアーを募集致します。


  • 新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大等によりキャンペーン期間・内容等が変更となる場合があります。

  • キャンペーンの予算に達した場合割引の適用とならない場合があります。

  • 京都のツアーについて、一旦申込は受付致しますが、予算枠が現在調整中となっています。決定次第、改めてお知らせします 。

  • ご利用をお考えの方は遠慮なくご相談ください。

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.






​対象となるのは、運送サービス(航空・鉄道・バスなど) + 旅行目的地での消費に寄与するサービス(食事・ゴルフ・果物狩り・有料施設等の利用)の2つの条件を満たすこととなっています。





有限会社ヒトミ観光バス スタッフ一同

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.


京都魅力再発見旅プロジェクト の詳しい概要は事務局ホームページまで

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business





About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.



いまなら。キャンペーン2022プラス の詳しい概要は事務局ホームページまで

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.






About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.




About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.


※電子チケットは、引き続き先着順(1 回の購入は 10 枚まで)で販売 ※これまでに「リフレッシュプラン S」の当選・購入された方も、購入可能 

※なお、これまでブロック割の対象地域としていた大阪府については、7月15日以 降対象外

※7/15 以降、和歌山県民の方も、大阪府のキャンペーンは利用できません 




アンカー 523
About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.



  • ※上記期間中に予算の上限に達した場合、予約受付を終了します

  • ※新型コロナウイルス感染症の状況により、キャンペーンの停止や中止等、期間を変更する場合があります


  • ※宿泊施設・旅行会社での直接予約や、旅行予約サイト(OTA)での予約となります







About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.



  • ※上記期間中に予算の上限に達した場合、予約受付を終了します

  • ※新型コロナウイルス感染症の状況により、キャンペーンの停止や中止等、期間を変更する場合があります


  • ※宿泊施設・旅行会社での直接予約や、旅行予約サイト(OTA)での予約となります








宿泊や旅行代金に応じて割引 最大5,000円




About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

Wakayama Refresh Plan S << Overview >>
 Support: Within 1/2 of the total travel price per person per night (up to 5,000 yen)
Travel is limited to accommodation * Day trips are not eligible (no coupon)

  subject:  Those who live in Wakayama prefecture on the premise of using vaccines and test packages
Travel within the prefecture used by

Period of use: January 15th (Sat) to March 10th (Thursday), Reiwa 4 ( until 3/11 check-out)

Sales method: Lottery sales (sale of electronic tickets to winners)  The reception deadline is until 1/10 )
​ Only those who do not have an internet environment and group travelers can use it with a cash limit.
【募集】4/22(金)11時 ~ 4/27(水)16時  → 【発表】4/28(木)
○販売方法 : 先着順(1回の購入は10枚まで)
○販売期間 : 5/2(月) ~ 5/30(月)16時
アンカー 1
About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

GOTOトラベル事業は、現段階では具体的なキャンペーンの再開時期の正式な発表はまだ出されておりません。 (R4/04/09 現在)


​ 現地点で分かっている情報は GoToトラベル事業について でご確認ください。

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

Wakayama Refresh Plan S << Overview >>
 Support: Within 1/2 of the total travel price per person per night (up to 5,000 yen)
Travel is limited to accommodation * Day trips are not eligible (no coupon)

  subject:  Those who live in Wakayama prefecture on the premise of using vaccines and test packages
Travel within the prefecture used by

Period of use: January 15th (Sat) to March 10th (Thursday), Reiwa 4 ( until 3/11 check-out)

Sales method: Lottery sales (sale of electronic tickets to winners)  The reception deadline is until 1/10 )
​ Only those who do not have an internet environment and group travelers can use it with a cash limit.
販売方法:抽選販売(当選者への電子チケットの販売  受付締切は1/10まで

GOTOトラベル事業は、現段階では具体的なキャンペーンの再開時期の正式な発表はまだ出されておりません。 (R4/03/04 現在)

​現地点で分かっている情報は GoToトラベル事業について でご確認ください。

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

GOTOトラベル事業は、現段階では具体的なキャンペーンの再開時期の正式な発表はまだ出されておりません。 (R4/03/04 現在)

​現地点で分かっている情報は GoToトラベル事業について でご確認ください。

About extension of suspension period of "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" and termination of business

Regarding the "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021", which is currently suspended, the application period of priority measures such as prevention of spread to Osaka Prefecture is expected to be extended to Sunday, March 6, 4th year of Reiwa. In that case, we will inform you that the campaign will end on February 28, 4 (Monday), after the suspension period will be extended after February 21, 4 (Monday), Reiwa.


 Extension of campaign suspension period / termination of business 
The suspension period of the campaign will be extended to February 28, 4th (Monday), the final day of the campaign, and the campaign will end. We will continue to stop discounting accommodation and travel prices and giving coupons.

* We are very sorry to all the users who were looking forward to the resumption of this campaign, but our handling of this campaign has ended.

If you wish to cancel your accommodation or travel, please contact the accommodation facility or travel agency as soon as possible.

About application reservation of "Wakayama refresh plan S"

Based on the infection status of the new coronavirus infection

The start of the business scheduled for January 14, 4th (Friday), Reiwa has been postponed.

* The start time of the business will be announced on the website again.

About application reservation for "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021"

New reservations for "Osaka Welcome Campaign 2021" have been suspended from January 12, 4th (Wednesday), Reiwa .

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

For existing reservations, as before, until February 28, 4th (Monday), accommodation (use)
The campaign is applied.

However, depending on the infection situation in the future, the use of existing reservations may be suspended.

* The start time of the business will be announced on the website again.

2021​ / 12/29 
Notice of the last business day of the year.

The last business day of the year will end today.

We will be closed from December 30th (Thursday) to January 4th (Tuesday).

New Year's business will be as usual from January 5th

It will be from 9:30 to 17:30.

In addition, we will continue to sell tours that will please everyone next year.

Thank you.

Thank you very much for this year.

2021​ / 12/29 
Notice of the end of acceptance of the local support car tour plan.

Hitomi Kanko Bus Tabimaru Tour Nanki Agencyand

Sale of local support car tour plan that was on sale

It will be finished.

Thank you to everyone who purchased this product.

2021​ / 10/19 
We are looking for member stores for the tour plan!

Hitomi Kanko Bus Tabimaru Tour Nanki AgencyThen

We are looking for member stores of the tour car plan.

Since the recruitment limit is limited, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Also, due to our circumstances, we may not be able to meet your request.

Thank you for your understanding.

2021​ / 09/29 
  Recruitment of autumn / winter day trip bus tour participants.
 Hitomi Kanko Bus is now looking for participants for a day trip bus tour.
It is a great tour that you can also use the Wakayama refresh plan.

In addition, it is a refreshing plan that can be used even by those who cannot purchase electronic tickets due to lack of internet environment, so please take this opportunity to participate.

The budget limit is limited and will end as soon as the budget is reached.

First please feel free to contact us.

2021​ / 08/25 
LINE Official Account Looking for Friends!
 Hitomi Kanko Bus is looking for friends with LINE official accounts.
Deliver the latest information on LINE!
Tabimaru Tour Nanki LINE Official Account
LINE ICON_edited.png
To add a friend, search by ID [@ 367pqtv]
looking for friends!
LINE QRコード.png
With QR code
2021​ / 07/15 
  Recruitment of day trip bus tour participants.
 Hitomi Kanko Bus is now looking for participants for a day trip bus tour.
Wakayama Refresh Plan 2nd is also a great tour that you can use.

In addition, it is a refreshing plan that can be used even by those who cannot purchase electronic tickets due to lack of internet environment, so please take this opportunity to participate.

The budget limit is limited and will end as soon as the budget is reached.

First please feel free to contact us.

2021​ / 04/22 
 The homepage has been completely renewed.
Thank you for using the Hitomi Kanko Bus.
We have renewed our website so that you can use it more easily and comfortably.
We look forward to your continued patronage.
2021​ / 03/14 
We have newly established a homepage.
We are renewing the old homepage (currently
Along with this, both the old and new homepages will be open to the public for the time being during the adjustment period.
In addition, when the transition is complete, the old address ( will be transferred to the new homepage, so we will contact you again on this homepage.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
ヒトミ ロゴ大png.png
2-2-1 Uenoyama, Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture
TEL: 0739-34-2531
FAX: 0739-34-2561
LINE ICON_edited.png
LINE QRコード.png
[List of sales offices]

Kansai Airport Sales Office


2-7-5 Aobadai, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka

TEL: 072-493-3711 FAX: 072-493-3712

Nakahechi Sales Office


214-10 Kurisugawa, Nakahechi-cho, Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture

TEL: 0739-64-1150 FAX: 0739-64-1150
​Tabimaru Tour Nanki
1-664-3 Uenoyama, Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture
TEL: 0739-34-2254  FAX: 0739-34-2211
  • Facebook
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Copyright © Hitomi Kanko Bus All Rights Reserved.
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